CoyIM Installation Guide - Linux

Installation pre-requirements

  • Before installing CoyIM it’s necessary to have Tor service installed and running. Follow the instructions from Install Tor, if you want to install Tor service.
  • Another alternative is to use Tor Browser, but it’s required that it is open and connected while using CoyIM. If you choose this alternative, follow the instructions:

    Install Tor Browser

    1. Go to the Tor Browser download page download page.
    2. Download the file .tar for linux.
    3. (Recommended) Verify the file’s signature.
    4. Once the download is done, double-click on the file .tar.
    5. You can either install Tor Browser using a graphical installation mode or through the command line.

    Graphical Mode:

    1. When the download is complete, right-click on the file and select the option Extract Here.
    2. Enter the Browser folder extracted.
      • Right-click over the file start-tor-browser.desktop and select the option Properties.
      • Go to the tab Permissions , choose the option Allow executing file as program, and close the window.
      • Double-click on the Tor Browser icon to initialize the browser for the first time.

      Note: In Ubuntu and other distributions,if you try to execute start-tor-browser.desktop, it’s possible that a text file will open. To change this behavior and execute Tor Browser normally, try the following:

      • In the file window, click on the Options Menu and select the option Preferences.
      • In the tab Behaviour, select Run them and close the window.
      • Double-click on the file start-tor-browser.desktop to start the browser for the first time.

    Command line:

    1. Open the terminal:
      • Press Win key.
      • In the search bar, write Terminal and click on the icon of the application.
    2. When the download is complete, extract the file from the terminal:
      tar -xf tar-browser-linux-xxx-xxx.tar.xz
    3. Enter to the Tor Browser folder extracted:
      cd tar-browser-linux-xxx-xxx
    4. Start Tor Browser:

    Note: If this command doesn’t execute the application, it’ll probably be necessary to make the file executable.

    chmod u+x start-tor-browser.desktop

    Install Tor

    Identify the Operating System

    To know the distribution of the operating system you use, follow these steps:

    • Press Win key, Settings in the search bar and press enter.
    • Select the option About.
    • The window will show the name of the operating system in the tag SO name.

    Note: The following guide shows the installation process of CoyIM for Linux operating systems. All the Debian-based distributions (Mint, Ubuntu, Pop! OS, Kali, Parrot, Lubuntu, Elementary OS, Tails, etc) can follow the instructions of the Debian part of each section . Also, for all the distributions based on Red Hat (RedHat, Centos, Fedora, etc ), you can follow the instructions of the Feora sections Fedora.

    Installing Tor

    1. Tor is available in the repositories of the operating system.
    2. To install Tor, you need root privileges.
    3. The sign $ indicates that you are executing commands as a standard user. Use the command sudo to have root privileges. The command sudo will request your user password.


      sudo apt install tor


      sudo dnf install tor